Saturday, 29 December 2012

Turning two

Our luscious, bumbly, tender-hearted little boy is two. Two whole years. It was a rocky start – it's hard to imagine the tiny baby and toddler are the same person – but I can't get enough of him now.

I love how he yells for me first thing in the morning, how he likes to sleep on my chest and wake me just to kiss me all over. I love the way he loves his brother, his lip-flapping sound for a horse and the way he can talk to me without saying a single word.

Please don't grow up too fast.


  1. So beautiful! So much to love and savour xx

  2. He's bloody cute! Happy birthday, little man x

  3. Just stumbled upon your blog through Che and Fidel and I'm so pleased that I did! Your boys are beautiful.
    Bella xx

  4. Happy birthday to your little one. What lovely photos :)

  5. Beuautiful boy! And I adore you let him jump into life boots and all. Wonderful Mumma :) x


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