I haven't really relaxed (one day I'll learn how), I haven't been very quiet and I've got two hours before I have to pick the boys up and I'm panicking about what I still have to do.
Not relaxing because: instead of a quiet walk this morning, Sydney barked most of the way at walkers above us on the cliff's edge.
And not quiet because: I've been talking to Steven from Cocopure who, along with his wife, make gorgeous coconut butters using virgin coconut oil and raw natural ingredients (cacao, cashew and vanilla). They're heavenly.
Plus I chatted to Karl Johnson from Over the Moon milk about his old-fashioned, full-cream milk that hasn’t been homogenised or diluted, and Gloria Cox from Leaning Oak Winery & Dairy about her fresh and soft-ripened goat's cheeses (and how her goats are all pregnant at the moment and won't be kidding till July, so there's little in the way of milk. Had to had that bit in, because even though it doesn't mean anything to anyone else, I love hearing producers talk about their animals and what the seasons mean to them).
They'll be featured in a recipe piece I'm doing for Breeze magazine in their next issue.
So... not as much quiet as I normally like when the boys are away, but when it comes to talking to artisan food producers and food, I could literally chat all day.

It looks like a beautiful spot Vanessa to sit and have that quiet moment to yourself. Artisan producers would be very interesting people to talk to, so much to learn from them too. Those coconut butters look delicious too, I love coconut:)